Occupational Therapy Graduate Tuition and Fees | Springfield

Occupational Therapy Graduate Tuition and Fees

This is the occupational therapy graduate program tuition and fee information for the 2025-2026 academic year for students entering via the undergraduate program for years five/six.

Undergraduate Program/MSOT

 Year FiveYear SixTotal
Tuition$ 42,420.00$ 12,120.00$ 54,540.00
Graduate Student Fees$ 406.00$ 406.00$ 812.00
Course Fees$ 285.00$ 150.00$ 435.00
Technology Fees$ 592.00$ 592.00$ 1,184.00
Total$ 43,703.00$ 13,268.00$ 56,971.00

Undergraduate Program/OTD

 Year FiveYear SixTotal
Tuition$ 44,844.00 $ 27,876.00$ 72,720.00
Graduate Student Fees$ 406.00$ 406.00$ 812.00
Course Fees$ 285.00$ 150.00$ 435.00
Technology Fees$ 592.00$ 592.00$ 1,184.00
Total$ 43,479.00$ 28,215.00$ 75,151.00

NOTES: Tuition is reviewed and adjusted each year; graduate tuition may vary by program; and students may incur fees in addition to tuition, including background checks/verifications and administrative services, if applicable.  

(Less) $3,333 SC Grant per term of full-time Graduate study up to six terms, for students with a Bachelors from Springfield College.

Students who may receive a Graduate Assistantship or Fellowship may not combine the SC-grant with their tuition waiver. Only one award may apply to a student's account at a time. Students will receive the higher value award.

Studying Occupational Therapy at Springfield College