Top Ten Reasons | Springfield College

Top Ten Reasons

1. Flexible Schedule

Evenings, weekends, online—choose a schedule that works for you.

2. A Sound Curriculum

The best and brightest faculty experts and instructional designers mean an exciting, engaging, relevant program for you.

3. Promising Future

Skilled human service workers are in high demand, translating directly into rewarding opportunities for you.

4. Support for Adults and Other Students

Your academic success coach and the academic resource connection are key components of the support readily available to you.

5. Credit for Prior Learning

Earn undergraduate credit for prior learning and training. Plus your perspective will benefit class discussions.

6. An Affordable Degree

The combination of an accelerated format and reasonable tuition make this a surprisingly affordable program.

7. Student Projects

Upgrade your résumé with hands-on community projects that positively impact people before you even graduate.

8. National and Regional Recognition

Get connected with the local, regional, and national organizations with which we have articulation agreements.

9. Faculty Who Know Human Services

The faculty bring real-life experience to your classroom based on field expertise, and agency and community work.

10. Greater Good

Learn with students from all walks and stages of life who are equally focused on transforming their communities