Recreation Facilities | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

The Wellness and Recreation Complex Access

There are two entrances/exits to the Wellness and Recreation Complex. A valid Springfield College ID must be used to enter the facilities. Visit the user eligibility page to learn who may use the facility. Visit the policies and procedures page for a comprehensive list of facility policies.

The Wellness Center within the Wellness and Recreation Complex

The 47,840-square-foot Wellness Center offers cardio and weight training space, a climbing wall, locker rooms, day lockers, four multipurpose teaching/activity spaces, two wellness resource rooms, and a faculty office complex. Visit the fitness area equipment page to view a complete listing of the Wellness Center equipment.

The Field House within the Wellness and Recreation Complex

The 93,820-square-foot Field House, located behind the Wellness Center, incorporates a six-lane running track, four multipurpose courts, each with the ability to be closed off by a netting system, locker rooms, strength and conditioning facilities, storage, concessions, and rest-rooms.

Linkletter Natatorium within the Wellness and Recreation Complex

The Art Linkletter Natatorium is a six-lane, 50-meter pool, with two one-meter and two three-meter diving boards. The water depth ranges from four to 12 and a half feet. The facility is home to the College's competitive swimming and diving team, and is also the venue for several physical education classes, Red Cross certification classes, recreational swimming, and a number of campus and non-campus programs. The size of the facility allows for concurrent programs on a daily basis.

Physical Education Complex within the Wellness and Recreation Complex

The Physical Education Complex is home to many athletic facilities and offices. Dana Gymnasium and the handball/racquetball courts are available for recreational use. Dana Gymnasium is an air-conditioned instructional facility with Connor Neo-Shock maple wood floor. It contains teaching stations for such skill courses as basketball, volleyball, and tennis and serves as a practice site for several varsity teams and intramural contests. There are eight handball/racquetball Courts with maple wood floors.

Call (413) 748-3396 for changes to the Wellness Center and/or group exercise schedules.


For more information, call the Wellness Center at (413) 748-3396.