School Counselors, we want to help you. | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

School Counselors, we want to help you.

Let us help you guide your students.

As a resource to your students, it's up to you to answer questions about college. Your role in students' lives helps them find their next home away from home, and we're here to help. From deadlines to admissions requirements, here you'll find everything you need to know for your students as they apply to Springfield College.

Man sits and speaks with student and parent

Important Information

As you get questions, we want to provide the answers. Please visit the pages below for more information on our admission requirements, deadlines, and decisions. 

Additional questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at (413) 748-3136 or

Admission Requirements

Why Your Students Should Choose Springfield College

We're in your neck of the woods.

Our admissions counselors make trips throughout New England and beyond to connect with students interested Springfield College. Interested in knowing who you may see around? Check out the recruitment territories of our counselors.

Triangle on the Springfield College Campus