COVID Update: April 20, 2021 | Springfield College

Dear Campus Community,

This will be a very brief update.

I am writing to inform the entire community that due to the continuing growth in positive cases in Gulick Hall, we are requiring all residents of Gulick to get tested tomorrow (Wednesday).

If when we receive the results back on Thursday afternoon, they indicate a significant increase in positives we will be forced to quarantine the building. How long that quarantine will last will be determined on Thursday.

While we are taking these steps, it is even more important that everyone follow all protocols and are truthful when in conversation with contact tracers. Our ability to curtail the rapid spread of this virus depends on students being truthful about their contact with others.

Thank you for your continued cooperation. Working together, we'll get through this!


Patrick G. Love
Vice President for Student Affairs
Director, Student Affairs Administration graduate program
Springfield College
(he, him, his)
o: (413) 748-3100  c: (732) 543-4853  Twitter: @pglove33