Get Help | Springfield College

Weather Alert

Due to anticipated inclement weather, the campus will have a delayed opening on Thursday, February 13, 2025. All campus operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. This delay allows Facilities Management sufficient time to clear parking lots and sidewalks to ensure the safety of our community. Please check your email for more information. 

Get help right away! 

If you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or the Springfield College Department of Public Safety at (413) 748-5555 and move to a safe place as soon as possible.

Confidential Resources

These resources allow individuals seeking to talk to someone about an incident of gender-based misconduct in a confidential manner without making a report to the College or triggering any investigation.


On Campus Support

Counseling Center – (413) 748-3345

  • Counselors are available during regular office hours. To reach a counselor after business hours, call Public Safety at (413) 748-5555 and ask for the counselor on call.

For Employees: Employee Assistance Plan – (800) 252-4555

Off Campus Support

YWCA of Western Massachusetts – (413) 733-7100

  • 24/7 anonymous, confidential crisis hotline including support and advocacy for domestic violence and sexual assault victims.

National Sexual Assault Hotline – (800) 656-4673

  • 24/7 anonymous, confidential crisis hotline that connects individuals with sexual assault service providers in the caller's area.

National Domestic Violence Hotline – (800) 799-7233

  • 24/7 anonymous, confidential helpline for individuals who experience domestic or dating violence. 
    For Employees: Employee Assistance Plan – (800) 252-4555


To preserve evidence of sexual assault, if you have not already done so, do not shower or brush teeth. Place clothes, sheets, etc. into paper bag and bring to the hospital. These local hospitals provide specialized sexual assault exams, including evidence collection, preventative treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy:

Baystate Medical Center(413) 794-3233
Mercy Medical Center – (413) 748-9000

  • Specialized sexual assault exams including evidence collection, preventative treatment for sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.
  • Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
  • More information about sexual assault forensics can be found on the Massachusetts State Government page

Health Center – (413) 748-3175

  • Services are available during regular office hours. The Center provides general health services including sexually transmitted infection testing and emergency contraception.

Non-Confidential Resources

These resources provide and connect individuals to resources including academic, housing, health, safety, and emotional support. In the event of an allegation of gender-based misconduct, in which one of these resources is accessed, it will be reported to the College and may trigger a formal investigation. Although not confidential, resources are considered “private.” Information is shared with limited key administrators on a need-to-know basis.


Springfield College Department of Public Safety: (413) 748-5555

  • 24/7 emergency services, including access to a trained sexual assault investigator.

Springfield Police Department: (413) 787-6302

Individual Rights:

  • An individual who has experienced gender-based misconduct has the right to choose whether or not to file a police report.
  • Reporting the incident to the Springfield Police Department does not mean that an individual has to take the offender to court.


Administrator on Call: (413) 748-5555

  • Support for emergency residential charges and access to support services is available 24/7.

Office of Student Affairs: (413) 748-3922

  • This Office assists with resources and safety planning. 

Office of Housing and Residence Life: (413) 748-3102

  • Office staff is able to assist with alternative housing if needed. 

Online and Regional Campuses:

  • For additional assistance, please contact Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Online and Regional Campus Students: Camille Elliott, MS, CAGS; Associate Director of Student Services (413) 748-3978 263 Alden Street Springfield, MA 01109

Other Help:

Confidential Resource Advisor: Confidential resource advisors are college employees who can provide information regarding: (i) reporting options and effects of each option, (ii) counseling services available on campus and through a local, community-based rape crisis center or domestic violence program, (iii) medical and health services available on campus and off campus, (iv) available academic and residence life accommodations, (v) the disciplinary process of the institution, and (vi) the legal process carried out through local law enforcement agencies. Confidential resource advisors have no requirement to report an incident to the institution or law enforcement and all information shared about an incident will be kept confidential unless otherwise required by state or federal law.

To speak with a confidential resource advisor, contact the following resource(s):

  • Counseling Center – (413) 748-3345

Supportive Measures: When the College receives a report of gender-based misconduct supportive measures to prevent further acts of misconduct and to provide a safe educational and/or work environment are implemented as necessary. The College will determine the necessity and scope of any supportive measures on a case-by-case basis. Even when a person involved in the Title IX process does not specifically request that protective action be taken, the College may choose to impose supportive measures at its discretion to monitor the safety of any individual, the broader College community, or the integrity of the review process.

To request a supportive measure or interim action, individuals should contact the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator for assistance.

Such measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Issuance of No Contact Order; 
  • Academic, employment, or residence modifications, such as:
    • Change in class schedule, taking an incomplete or dropping a course, rescheduling test or assignment deadlines,
    • Change in work assignment or location,
    • Change in housing assignment.
  • Emotional support through referral to Counseling Center or to off-campus agencies.

Interim Action: Where the report of gender-based misconduct poses an ongoing risk of harm to the safety or well-being of an individual or members of the campus community, the College may place an individual or organization on interim suspension or impose leave for an employee. Pending resolution of the complaint, the individual or organization may be denied access to campus. When interim suspension or leave is imposed, the College will make reasonable efforts to complete the investigation and resolution within an expedited time frame

Protective Orders: When filing a report, the reporting party has the right to notify law enforcement or decline to notify law enforcement, including Springfield College Public Safety, municipal police, and Massachusetts State Police. If you need help filing a criminal report or seeking a restraining or protective order, our Department of Public Safety has trained investigators to help walk you through the process.

If a court or College-ordered no contact or other protective order is put in place, the Department of Public Safety shall keep it on file and notify necessary parties. If you have a court-ordered protective or restraining order, you should notify the Department of Public Safety at (413) 748-5555.

Students may also report violations of a court order to the Department of Public Safety by calling (413) 748-5555, or, if off campus, by calling 911.

Active Bystanders:

Learn more about the College’s bystander intervention training and programming to learn how to protect our pride. Review the College’s situational guidelines, learn tips about being an active bystander, and about support and resources here.