Meghan L. Gaul, MFA, associate professor of graphic design, was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Hopkinton (Mass.) Center for the Arts for a three-year term that began in October 2022. Gaul also was appointed to the Advisory Committee for the Design and Visual Communications Program at Putnam Vocational Technical Academy in Springfield, Mass., for the 2022-23 academic year.
Judith T. Herzberg, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Human Services, was appointed vice president of the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) from 2022-25. NOHS is the professional organization for human services educators, practitioners, and students. Herzberg also was appointed to a three-year term as chair of marketing and member-at-large of the Council for Standards in Human Services Education (CSHSE). She began work with both NOHS and CSHSE more than two decades ago while serving in various human services academic programs.
Anthony C. Hill, EdD, MSW, associate professor of social work and chair of the Department of Social Work, was appointed to a three-year term (starting July 2022) as the Pioneer Valley representative on the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Work.
Elizabeth M. Mullin, PhD, associate professor of exercise science and sport studies, was appointed chair of the Hampshire Regional YMCA (Northampton, Mass.) Board of Directors in June 2022 (two-year appointment).
Andrew B. Perry, PhD, professor of mathematics and computer information sciences, was appointed to a two-year term as secretary/treasurer on the Mathematics and Sports Mathematical Association of America MAA Special Interest Group beginning January 2022.


Elizabeth Mullin