William Arighi, PhD, assistant professor of world literature, authored “El espejo de costumbrismo: Costumbre, conocimiento y autonomía en las obras de Pedro Paterno y José Rizal” in El desafío de la modernidad en la literatura hispanofilipina (1885–1935) in June 2022. English translation: "The Mirror of Costumbrismo: Custom, Knowledge and Autonomy in the Work of Pedro Paterno and Jose Rizal," in the book The Challenge of Modernity in Filhispanic Literature (1885-1935).
Jessica Barrett, PhD, associate professor of exercise science and athletic training and program director of athletic training, and Kari Taylor, PhD, assistant professor and program director of the student affairs administration program, co-authored “Meaning making among professional master’s athletic training students” in the Athletic Training Education Journal in April-June 2022.
Debra Burnett, PhD, associate professor of communication sciences and disorders and chair of the Department of Health Sciences, co-authored “Exploring assessment of situational intelligibility in children with and without speech-language disorders” in the Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology in June 2022.
Julia Chevan, DPT, professor of physical therapy and chair of the Department of Physical Therapy; Kim Nowakowski, MS, associate professor of physical therapy; Kathy Pappas, DPT, associate professor of human anatomy; and Maureen Barrett, DPT, assistant professor of physical therapy, co-authored “Responding to stakeholder needs to engage rehabilitation professionals in the delivery of evidence-based health programming for adults with osteoarthritis” in Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science in August 2022.
Laurel Davis-Delano, PhD, professor of sociology, co-authored “Native appropriation in sport: Cultivating bias toward American Indians,” which appeared in the journal, Race and Social Problems in 2022. In addition, Davis-Delano was invited to review the book Canada at a Crossroads: Boundaries, Bridges, and Laissez-Faire Racism in Indigenous-Settler Relations, which appeared in the journal Sociology of Race and Ethnicity in 2022.
Katherine Dugan, PhD, associate professor of religious studies, authored a chapter titled, “Natural Family Planning Online: The Porous Religious Spaces of Social Media” in the book Mediating Catholicism: Religion and Media in Global Catholic Imaginaries in 2022.
Erin E. Futrell, PhD, assistant professor of physical therapy, co-authored “Effects of a cognitive distraction task on gait mechanics in recently gait-retrained runners” in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine in February 2022.
Brooke Hallowell, PhD, dean of the School of Health Sciences, co-authored an online knowledge certification course, titled Person-centered care: The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia through Aphasia Access in 2022.
Judith T. Herzberg, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Human Services, authored the chapter “Hegemonic Forces: Black Faculty’s Sisyphean Task in Higher Education” in the book Black Women Navigating Historically White Higher Education Institutions and the Journey Toward Liberation in 2022.
Stephanie R. Logan, EdD, associate professor and chair of the Department of Education, authored a chapter titled, “Teaching While Black, Oh and a Woman” in the book Black Women Navigating Historically White Higher Education Institutions and the Journey Toward Liberation in May 2022. She was also a co-editor of the book project.
Longxi Li, PhD’22; Oliver J. C. Rick, PhD, assistant professor of sport management; Elizabeth M. Mullin, PhD, associate professor of exercise science and sport studies; and Michelle Moosbrugger, PhD’06, professor of physical education and chair of the Department of Physical Education and Health Education, co-authored “Examining adolescent tennis participation in contemporary China using an ecological framework” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in May 2022.
Tyler Markkanen, PhD, associate professor of mathematics, co-authored “The computational strength of matchings in countable graphs” in the Annals of Pure and Applied Logic in August-September 2022.
Susan Milstein, PhD, assistant professor of physical education and health education, had the second edition of her book, Community Health, published in August 2022.
Elizabeth O’Neill, DPE, professor of exercise science and program director for the Department of Exercise Science and Athletic Training, co-authored “Neuromuscular training, exercise physiology clinic, real-time exercise, and cardiac rehabilitation” in the Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology in July 2022.
Dawn Roberts, PT, PhD, associate professor of physical therapy; Erin Futrell, PhD, assistant professor of physical therapy; and Eric Toole, MSLIS, reference librarian, co-authored “Submaximal walking tests: A review of clinical use” in the Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology in June 2022.
Paul Thifault, PhD, associate professor of English, published a book titled, The Routledge Introduction to American Drama in June 2022.

William Arighi

Katherine Dugan
Erin Futrell

Judith Herzberg

Stephanie Logan

Tyler Markkanen