William Arighi, PhD, assistant professor of world literature, presented “Technology and the poetic self in Cox’s Bazaar” at the American Comparative Literature Association virtual conference in June 2022.
Jessica Barrett, PhD, associate professor of exercise science and athletic training and program director of athletic training, co-presented “Defining ‘Adequate:’ Standards 17 & 18” at the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education Conference in Atlanta, Ga., in October 2022.
Julia Chevan, PhD, professor of physical therapy and chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, and Eric Toole, reference librarian, co-presented “Concept analysis of the term ‘health informatics’ as a mechanism of informing curricular content” at the Physical Therapy Education Leadership Conference in Milwaukee, Wis., in October 2022.
Andrea Coppola, OTD, OTR/L, assistant professor of occupational therapy, presented “OT students’ perceptions of a polytrauma simulation scenario involving standardized patients” at the American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2022 Conference in San Antonio, Texas, in April 2022.
Laurel Davis-Delano, PhD, professor of sociology, presented the co-authored paper, “Absence Makes the Heart Grow Colder: The Harmful Nature of Invisibility of Contemporary American Indians” at the American Sociological Association annual meeting in Los Angeles in August 2022.
Linda Davis-Delano, PhD, director of Educator Preparation & Licensure and professor of physical education (retired), presented “MA educator evaluation rubric, evidence to look for in physical education and health” at the Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD) Leadership Conference in Sturbridge, Mass., in May 2022. Davis-Delano also co-presented “Leveraging the power of coalition for teacher diversity” at the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification in Boston in June 2022.
Nina Esaki, PhD, assistant professor of social work, co-presented “Next steps: Applying a trauma-informed model to create an anti-racist organizational culture” at the Network for Social Work Management Conference in Chicago in June 2022. Esaki also co-presented “A trauma-informed model to create an anti-racist organizational culture” at the World Congress on Nursing Education & Practice Conference in Rome, Italy, in September 2022.
Mary Kate Feit, PhD, assistant professor of strength and conditioning, and Adam Feit, PhD, assistant professor of exercise science, co-presented “Effects of strength and conditioning internships on self-efficacy” at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Conference in New Orleans, La., in July 2022. In addition, Mary Kate Feit led a roundtable discussion titled “Empower each other through shared experience” at the National High School Strength and Conditioning Coaches Conference in Nashville in June 2022.
Mary Kate Feit, PhD, assistant professor of strength and conditioning, presented “Post-session Review: The use of a reflection practice in strength and conditioning” at the New England Regional NSCA Conference in Biddeford, Maine, in May 2022. At the same conference, Feit and Andre Carere, graduate student in the strength and conditioning program, co-presented “Bring everyone to the table: How load monitoring can increase communication between multiple departments within academics and athletics.” (Carere has since earned a Master of Science in strength and conditioning at Springfield College).
Heather Gilmour, EdD, assistant professor and sport management program director, co-presented “Re-Engaging the students in a hybrid classroom” at the Teaching Profession Conference in Atlanta, Ga., in June 2022.
Brooke Hallowell, PhD, dean of the School of Health Sciences, was the invited speaker and presented the following topics in 2022: “Translate an existing test in another language or develop an original test? Factors to consider.” Symposium: “Across cultures and languages, Neuropsychological assessment of patients with focal and neurodegenerative disease” at the International Neuropsychological Society 15th World Congress in Madrid, Spain; “Capturing competence: Strategies for learning about the true abilities of people with aphasia for Speech-Language Therapists’ Congress of The Baltic States (virtual); and “How might theatrical improv enrich our academic leadership?” at the College of Health Deans in Nashville, Tenn. Hallowell also was a co-presenter of the following topics at these 2022 conferences: “Semantic control in aphasia: A dissociation between online retrieval and offline recall” at the Academy of Aphasia in Philadelphia, Penn., and “Delving into the terms we use in our transnational work for and with people with aphasia” at the International Aphasia Research Conference in Philadelphia, Penn.
Anthony C. Hill, EdD, MSW, associate professor of social work and chair of the Department of Social Work, and Donna Wang, PhD, LSCW, MSW, co-presented “Strategies to promote self-awareness, social advocacy, and social justice among faculty and students in a new era” at the New York State Social Work Education Association in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., in October 2022. Hill also presented “Creating equitable schools for ALL children: The power and promise of public education” at the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers virtual conference in October 2022. Hill also co-presented “Promoting effective teaching and learning: Inspiring students impacted by trauma!” at the Professional Development Workshop for Educators and Staff at Springfield Alternative Schools in Springfield Public Schools in September 2022. In August 2022, Hill presented “Re-igniting the fire for teaching in a post-pandemic world” at the Professional Development Workshop for Chicopee Public Schools educators and staff in Chicopee, Mass. Also in August 2022, Hill presented “Cultivating high expectations for ALL children!” at a professional development workshop for all high school and middle school educators and staff in the East Windsor, Conn., public schools. He presented on the same topic at a professional development workshop for Broad Brook Elementary School (East Windsor, Conn.) educators and staff in September 2022.
Susan Milstein, PhD, assistant professor of physical education and health education, co-presented “What's the student health edu-thon?" Details to know to compete in SOPHE's health education competition” at the virtual SOPHE On Demand Conference in September 2022.
Michelle Moosbrugger, PhD’06, professor of physical education and chair of the Department of Physical Education and Health Education; Kathy Mangano, EdD, professor of physical education; and Jasmin Hutchinson, PhD, professor of exercise science, co-presented “A structured approach to preparing doctoral students as future faculty” at the SHAPE America National Convention & Expo in New Orleans, La., in April 2022. At the same conference, Steven Groccia, PhD, associate professor of physical education, and Moosbrugger co-presented “Real-time assessment in physical education teacher education.”
Elizabeth M. Mullin, PhD, associate professor of exercise science and sport studies, co-presented “Sexual prejudice, traditional masculinity, and athletic identity in US collegiate athletes” at the European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference in Padova, Italy, in July 2022.
Elizabeth O’Neill, DPE, professor of exercise science and program director for the Department of Exercise Science and Athletic Training, and Lydia Smith, PhD, assistant professor of exercise science, co-presented “Making the most of your internship” at the New England American College of Sports Medicine in Providence, RI, in October 2022.
Andrew B. Perry, PhD, professor of mathematics and computer information sciences, presented “Alternative assessment strategies for challenging times” at the Mathematical Association of America Conference (Northeast Section) held at Southern Connecticut State University in June 2022. Perry also presented “Leonhard Euler's differential equations” at the SCUDEM Expo Differential Equations virtual conference in February 2022.
Amanda M. Rodriguez, OTD, assistant professor of occupational therapy, and Lori Vaughn, OTD, professor of occupational therapy and co-chair of the Department of Occupational Therapy, were invited speakers on the topic “Understanding and addressing impostor phenomenon in occupational therapy” at Eastern Kentucky University in October 2022.
Mara Simon, EdD, assistant professor of physical education and health education, and Korey Boyd, PhD, assistant professor of physical education and health education, co-presented “I could definitely do it, hopefully”: The impact of race, class, and disability for pre-service PE teachers” at the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education virtual conference in June 2022. Simon and Boyd also co-presented “I knew I was worth more”: Black and Latinx pre-service PE teachers’ borderland dwellings and crossings” at the American Education Research Association Conference in San Diego, Calif., in April 2022.
Janine Spinola Taylor, EdD, assistant professor in the Department of Human Services, co-presented “Current trends in human service education” at the National Organization for Human Services virtual symposium in October 2022.
Roxanne Sprague, MCMSc, PA-C, assistant professor of physician assistant studies, and Meghan Migeon, DMSc, PA-C, professor of physician assistant studies and program director and chair of the Department of Physician Assistant Studies, co-presented “The nexgen of procedural skills curriculum: An evidence-based path” at the Physician Assistant Education Association Education Forum in San Diego, Calif., in October 2022.
Reference librarians Eric Toole, Allison Martel, Alicia Hopkins, Sheri Sochrin, and Mackenzie Dunn co-presented “So tell me about your research”: Using faculty interviews to build research partnerships” at the Association of College & Research Libraries New England Chapter virtual conference in June 2022.
Joseph Wronka, PhD, professor in the School of Social Work and Behavioral Sciences, gave a teacher training “Creating a human rights culture from the Holocaust to contemporary times” at the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights at the University of Massachusetts in July 2022.
Jessica Barrett

Andrea Coppola

Adam and Mary Kate Feit
Heather Gilmour

Brooke Hallowell

Andrew B. Perry

Janine Spinola Taylor

Meghan Migeon (left) and Roxanne Sprague (right) with their presentation at the Physician Assistant Education Association Education Forum
Joe Wronka