Rachel Ahlmeyer, MEd, assistant director of graduate admissions and events, presented “Applying to graduate school: Springfield College secrets” at the SHAPE America Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, in March 2024.
Korey Boyd, PhD, assistant professor of Physical Education, presented “Social pedagogy and models-based approaches in physical education” on the Teaching Games for Understanding Webinar in London, U.K., in February 2024. Boyd also presented “Preservice teachers’ perspective of implementing Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in PE curriculum” at the National Association of Kinesiology in Higher Education Annual Conference in Phoenix, Ariz., in January 2024.
Korey Boyd, PhD, assistant professor of Physical Education, and Mara Simon, EdD, associate professor of Physical Education and Health Education, co-presented “‘We need to eliminate barriers’: Black and Latine PETE faculty in predominantly white institutions” at the AIESEP International Conference 2023: Emerging Horizons Bridging the Borders Between Physical Education Research and Practice (virtual) in July 2023.
Debra Burnett, PhD, associate professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders and chair of Public Health and Health Professions, co-presented “Does combining speech with gesture help young children be more easily understood?” at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention in Boston, Mass., in November 2023.
Katherine Dugan, PhD, associate professor of Religion and chair of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, co-hosted a roundtable discussion about the book, American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism, at the American Catholic Historical Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Calif., in January 2024. Dugan served as co-editor for the book. At the same conference, Dugan presented “Vatican II and Humanae Vitae: Cocreating US Catholic pro-life politics.” Dugan was also invited to speak at the University of Dayton’s Marian Library’s 2024 Marian Forum on American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of U.S. Catholicism, in Dayton, Ohio, in February 2024.
Justine Dymond, PhD, MFA, professor of English, presented “Mystery genre conventions & the ‘implicated subject’ in Percival Everett’s The Trees” at a session, titled “Intersectional Crime Fiction,” at the Northeast Modern Languages Association Conference in Boston, Mass., in March 2024. Dymond co-chaired that session. At the same conference, she chaired another session, titled “(Re)reading Feminist Speculative Fiction Post-Roe v. Wade.”
Mary Kate Feit, PhD, assistant professor of Strength and Conditioning, presented “Critically assessing coaching techniques and tendencies” at the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Coaches Conference in Orlando, Fla., in January 2024. At the same conference, she co-presented “How to pursue a meaningful strength and conditioning field work or internship experience.” Her co-presenter was Adam Feit, PhD, assistant professor of Exercise Science. Mary Kate Feit and Adam Feit were also involved with the NSCA Massachusetts State Clinic held at Nichols College in March 2024. Adam Feit is the NSCA Massachusetts State Director and planned the conference. Mary Kate Feit, who is on the Advisory Board that helped plan the event, oversaw four Springfield College students who presented at the “Lunch and Learn: Presentations from the Field.” The students are Jimmy English, Dom Farole, Lorenzo Pelloni, and Hao Chen Hsueh, all Class of 2024, in the Strength and Conditioning program.
Travis M. Gagen, PhD, assistant professor of Public Health and Health Sciences, presented “A model accessory-dwelling unit bylaw: Inclusive zoning for all” at the Gerontological Society of America 2023 Scientific Meeting in Tampa, Fla., in November 2023.
Chris Hakala, PhD, director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship and professor of Psychology, co-presented a professional development program to faculty at Minnechaug Regional High School (Wilbraham, Mass.). The topic was artificial intelligence (AI), with a focus on how to incorporate AI into their teaching to enhance student learning. His co-presenters were Joan Giovannini, MEd, associate director, and Matthew Citron, MA, instructional designer, both with the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship.
Brooke Hallowell, PhD, CCC-SLP, dean of the School of Health Sciences, was invited and gave the following presentations: “Strategies for capturing competence and promoting life participation for people with aphasia” at the Iran Medical System Organization and The Iranian Speech Therapy Association National Workshop (virtual) in February 2024; “The Emergencies Workstream of the World Rehabilitation Alliance” at the Membership Onboarding Workshop at the World Rehabilitation Alliance and World Health Organization (virtual) in January 2024; “Developing services and educational programs in Viet Nam”(co-presenter) at the Asia Pacific Society for Speech, Language, and Hearing in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, and at the same conference presented “How do we develop the next generation of excellent clinicians?” in December 2023; and “World Health Organization Rehabilitation 2030 and the World Rehabilitation Alliance: Advocacy for action in CSD” (co-presenter) at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention in Boston, Mass., in November 2023. Also at the same conference, Hallowell co-presented “Developmental stages and ethical considerations for US-Based SLPs engaging professionally in Asia.”
Pamela S. Higgins, MS, MPH, associate professor of Health Sciences, co-presented “Exploring maternal health disparities” at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Ga., in November 2023. Her co-presenter was Olivia Pandiscia, Health Sciences student, Class of 2024.
Brian Krylowicz, PhD, director of the Counseling Center, co-presented “The psychological impact of gambling on campus: Don't bet against it being bigger than you think” at the Northeast College Counseling Center Directors Conference, hosted by Krylowicz on the Springfield College campus, in March 2024. About 50 college counseling center directors from the region attended the conference.
Stephanie R. Logan, EdD, associate professor Education and chair of the Department of Education, presented “Teaching critical multicultural education during a racial pandemic” at the National Association for Multicultural Education Conference in Montgomery, Ala., in November 2023.
Matt Mills, MA, assistant professor of Athletic Training, presented “Lessons from Silicon Valley: Human-centered design for athletic training QI” at the Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Conference in Ledyard, Conn., in January 2024. At the same conference, Mills also presented “Using learning outcomes to guide simulation mode choices.”
Susan Milstein, PhD, assistant professor of Health Education, and Danielle Pantano, Physical Education and Health Education student (Class of 2024), co-presented “Abstinence 2023: Teaching abstinence where students don’t get screwed” at the SHAPE America Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in March 2024. At the same conference, they co-presented “Choose your own adventure: A tool for fostering discussion in health education.”
Michelle E. Moosbrugger, PhD, professor of Physical Education and Health Education and department chair, co-presented “Employing inclusive strategies when teaching about motor behavior in PETE” at the SHAPE America Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, in March 2024. At the same conference, Moosbrugger co-presented “'I got this’: Self-talk skills programming in elementary physical education.” Her co-presenters were Anna Bottino, Sport and Exercise Psychology doctoral student, Class of 2025, and Emma Gagne, Physical Education undergraduate student, Class of 2024. At the Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention in Worcester, Mass., in November 2023, Moosbrugger, Bottino, and Gagne co-presented “‘I can’t do this!’: Implementing a self-talk skills program in elementary physical education.”
Elizabeth Mullin, PhD, associate professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies, co-presented “Efficacy of certified mental performance consultants when working with LGB clients” at the Social Justice through Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (virtual) in March 2024. At the same conference, Mullin co-presented “Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and extant demographic identities of NCAA athletes in 2023.”
Andrew B. Perry, PhD, professor of Mathematics, presented “Difficult choices in planning to teach introductory differential equations” at the SIMIODE Expo 2024 (virtual) in February 2024.
Paul Thifault, PhD, associate professor of English, presented “Melodrama and blended regional myths in early US literature” at the Northeast Modern Language Association Conference in Boston, Mass., in March 2024.
Lori Vaughn, OTD, professor of Occupational Therapy, co-presented “Fostering neurodiversity-inclusive communities in higher education: Strategies for inclusivity” at the American Occupational Therapy Association Inspire 2024 Conference in Orlando, Fla., in March 2024. Her co-presenter was Christopher Edwards, a Doctor of Occupational Therapy student, Class of 2025.
Jacquelyn Wolf, veteran and military services coordinator, presented “Mentoring for student success: How everyday interactions can strengthen resilience” at the National Association of Veterans' Program Administrators Conference in Norfolk, Va., in October 2023.
Daigo Yazawa, PhD, assistant professor of Sport Management, presented “Exploring perceptions and impressions of sport facilities” at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference in Knoxville, Tenn., in February 2024.

Katherine Dugan

Brian Krylowicz

Stephanie R. Logan

Class of 2024 Strength and Conditioning students (from left to right) Dom Farole, Hao Chen Hsueh, Jimmy English, and Lorenzo Pelloni presented at a Lunch and Learn at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Massachusetts State Clinic in March 2024.
Jacquelyn Wolf

Daigo Yazawa