William Arighi, PhD, associate professor of World Literature, authored “Empire and literary autonomy in Antonio Luna's Impresiones” in Peripherica: Journal of Social, Cultural, and Literary History in February 2024.
Laurel R. Davis-Delano, PhD, professor of Sociology, co-authored “Absence makes the heart grow colder: The harmful nature of invisibility of contemporary American Indians” in Ethnic and Racial Studies in 2024. Her co-authors were Renee V. Galliher of Utah State University and Joseph P. Gone of Harvard University and Harvard Medical School. Also in 2024, Davis-Delano reviewed the book (by invitation), “Remapping Sovereignty: Decolonization and Self-Determination in North American Indigenous Political Thought,” in Ethnic and Racial Studies. Davis-Delano also co-authored “White American historical memory and support for Native appropriation” in Race and Social Problems in 2023. Her co-authors were Renee V. Galliher of Utah State University, Adrienne J. Keene of Brown University, Desi Small-Rodriguez of the University of California at Los Angeles, and Joseph P. Gone of Harvard University and Harvard Medical School.
Katherine Dugan, PhD, associate professor of Religion and chair of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, served as co-editor of American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism, published in January 2024. In the same publication, Dugan authored the chapter “Fatima Family Shrine: Reinterpreting Mary on the South Dakota Prairie.”
Nina Esaki, PhD, associate professor of Social Work, co-authored “An exploratory study of employee engagement in human service agencies” in the Journal of Human Services in October 2023.
Diana Gallagher, MFA, assistant professor of Physical Education and head women's gymnastics coach, authored the short story, “The Ghost Town of Adirondac,” in the book, Adirondack Campfire Stories, in March 2024.
Chris Hakala, PhD, director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship and professor of Psychology, and Sally Chamberland, PhD, assistant professor of Biology and Chemistry, co-authored the chapter “Into the Storm: How to Provide Structured Support in Times of Uncertainty” in the book Higher Education Beyond Covid: New Teaching Paradigms and Promise in 2024.
Jasmin Hutchinson, PhD, professor of Exercise Science and Sport Studies and graduate program director for Sport and Exercise Psychology, published “Effects of preferred vs. nonpreferred music on bench press performance: A replication and extension study” in Communications in Kinesiology in January 2024. Her co-authors were Elizabeth O’Neill, DPE, professor of Exercise Science; Kathleen Mellano, PhD, assistant professor of Exercise Science; and Luke Pelton, PhD, assistant professor of Exercise Science. Hutchinson and Daniel Smith, PhD, assistant professor of Research and Statistics, co-authored “The effect of Ironman taper on mood and engagement of nonprofessional triathletes: An interrupted time series study” in the Journal for Advancing Sport Psychology in Research in December 2023.
Harold InDelicato, MA, MFA, associate professor of Digital Design and Studio Art, published his artificial intelligence-generated art in the inaugural issue of Novum Artis magazine in January 2024. InDelicato was included as a featured artist and his work was selected from thousands of submissions worldwide.
Allison Martel, MLIS, digital technologies librarian; Alicia Hopkins, MSLIS, reference librarian; Mackenzie Dunn, MLIS, reference librarian; Sheri Sochrin, MLS, reference librarian; and Eric B. Toole, MSLIS, former Springfield College reference librarian and now evidence review librarian at USDA National Agricultural Library, co-authored “Engaging research: Interviewing faculty to build scholarly partnerships” in the book Everyday Evidence-Based Practice in Academic Libraries: Case Studies and Reflections in December 2023.
Susan Milstein, PhD, assistant professor of Health Education, published Human Sexuality: Making Informed Decisions (7th edition) in 2024.
Christine G. Niedbala, MPAS, PA-C, assistant professor of Physician Assistant Studies, and Roxanne Sprague, MCMSc, PA-C, associate professor of Physician Assistant Studies, co-authored “Tirzepatide: A promising treatment for obesity?” in the Journal of the American Academy of PAs in November 2023.
Christine L.B. Selby, PhD, associate professor of Psychology and director of Athletic Counseling, authored "I don’t want to compete anymore”: Using self-determination theory and motivational interviewing to help an athlete figure out what’s next" in the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action in April 2024.

Sally Chamberland

Nina Esaki

Chris Hakala

Harold InDelicato

Christine G. Niedbala