SEAT at the Table Event Schedule 2023 | Springfield College

Schedule of Events

Monday, November 6

9 - 9:30 a.m.  
Towards a Community of Difference in Springfield College  
Presented by Fadia Nordtveit and Kushal Bhandari   
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging—just nice sounding buzzwords? This joint presentation interrogates the ways in which Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging intersects with our identities and roles at the Springfield College campus from the perspectives of faculty and students. While the backgrounds of the two individuals, faculty member Fadia Nordtveit, PhD, and student Kushal Bhandari, are very different, there are commonalities in the ways in which our lived experiences are playing out despite the differences in our identities and power dynamics within the institution. This interactive presentation is a comparative and critical auto-ethnographic commentary on how our journeys of inclusion and belonging at Springfield College converge and diverge. Ultimately, it is a call-to-action of a student and faculty to discuss how a shared understanding of the pillars of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging can potentially build a community of difference at Springfield College.

10 - 11 a.m.  
Affirmative Aging across Spaces and Places  
Presented by Travis Gagen  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

This session will introduce and describe ageism across spaces and places with a focus on the health-related consequences of ageism in the workplace, health care, and community settings. A determinant of health perspective will be applied to model how ageism results in adverse health outcomes. Session participation will adopt strategies to counteract ageism across spaces and places by identifying how to recognize ageism, understanding the benefits of intergenerational spaces and places, and conflict resolution techniques to mitigate intra-and-interpersonal ageism.

Noon - 1 p.m.   
Unapologetic Excellence: Confronting the Impact of Respectability Politics on “Black Excellence”  
Danielle Farrar-Noonan  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

This session will confront the ways respectability politics have had an impact on “Black Excellence.” Respectability politics have been a foundational blueprint for "Black Excellence" yet they are simply another way to continue oppressing persons of color by dictating which behaviors are representative of excellence. These behaviors include code switching, Black apologetics and mutism, and enabling the weaponization of white tears.

1:30 - 2:30 p.m.  
Dismantling the Cis-tem: Exploring the Role of Cisgender People in Transgender Liberation  
Presented by Grayson Stevens  
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In the first six months of 2023 alone, more than 550 anti-transgender bills have been introduced across the United States, mainly targeting areas such as health care access, equal participation in sports, and inclusive educational curriculum. While many cisgender people want to help stop these legislative attacks—as well as challenge cissexist rhetoric they witness around them—there are oftentimes common misconceptions, discomforts, and fears that get in the way, preventing accountability and meaningful change. This session is intended for those cisgender people who want to deepen their commitment to gender-diverse communities by learning more about themselves and their role as cisgender people in the movement for gender justice. By providing information, encouraging self-reflection, and opening up space for courageous conversations, this session will help attendees to learn more about gender identity, the importance of advocacy, and the many ways they can embrace gender diversity both on and off the Springfield College campus.


Tuesday, November 7

9:30 - 10:30 a.m.   
“Minority,” “BIPOC,” and “White/non-White”…What’s the Diff?  
Presented by Donna Wang  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

This session will delve into the power of language when referring to people of color. Donna Wang will focus on differentiating several everyday terms, and bringing awareness to the appropriateness of such terms under contextual circumstances. The goal of this session is to increase knowledge and skills in communicating about issues of race.

Noon - 1 p.m.  
Disability a Dimension of Diversity—Not a Deficit  
Presented by Kate Green, Jennifer Dashiell-Shoffner, Allison Cumming-McCann  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

This session will challenge some widely held beliefs about disability and present it as a multicultural identity to be valued and celebrated rather than fixed or cured. Given the prevalence of disability (1 in 5 people), the lack of representation of this particular group in the social justice movement, and in discussions on diversity and inclusion, this session will aim to highlight the need to include disabled people in all conversations around diversity. The session will address language, models of conceptualizing disability, and common myths and misperceptions that often underpin this group being a last thought or left out of diversity and inclusion initiatives and conversations. We will also address the intersectionality of disability with other marginalized identities.

1:30 - 2:30 p.m.  
Visual Artists Who Inspire Awareness to Social Injustice  
Presented by Nahjae Cogman-Pitts, Jayden Kement, Kyana Alvarado, Elizabeth Casinelli, Brittany Cotter, Simone Alter-Muri  
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Panelists will present examples of several visual artists whose art focuses on social justice issues, including racism, sexism, gender, post-historical trauma, classism, incarceration, and cissexism. They believe that art is very important as a vehicle for communication of important issues. A picture is often seen as having one thousand words. They will address themes of oppression and resilience.  
3 - 4 p.m.   
Examining Whiteness, White Supremacy, and Anti-Racism  
Presented by Danielle Clough, Julie Koivisto, Laura Krishnan-Mackie, Stephanie R. Logan  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

Whiteness is an academic term used to describe the all-encompassing dimensions of white privilege, dominance, and assumed superiority in society. Through ideological, institutional, social, cultural, historical, political, and interpersonal dimensions, whiteness grants material and psychological advantages to whites that are often invisible and taken for granted (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2017). Through the lens of WhiteCrit (White Critical Race Theory), their presentation will examine race, racism, and racial identity as it is enacted by white people. Their hope is that through the examination of race and racism within the lives of white students, staff, faculty, and administrators at Springfield College, they will be better positioned to collaborate in developing a commitment to act in ways that will create just campus experiences for all. This session will include a presentation and panel discussion by the facilitators. Bring your open mind and questions!

Wednesday, November 8

9:30 - 10 a.m.  
African American Writers and Artists in France  
Presented by Alice Knox Eaton  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

Alice Knox Eaton will discuss African American writers and artists who lived in France and the relative freedom they felt in exile from their home country. She will show slides of the former homes and haunts of Richard Wright, James Baldwin, William Gardner Smith, Chester Himes, Josephine Baker, and others in Paris, as well as Baldwin's home in Saint-Paul-de-Vence in the south of France. Knox Eaton will discuss the French response to these writers and their critique of French policies and discrimination against Algerians living in France. 

11 a.m. to Noon  
Navigating your Leadership Journey  
Presented by Mary-Beth Cooper and Calvin Hill  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

Join President Mary-Beth Cooper and Vice President for Inclusion and Community Engagement Calvin Hill for a moderated conversation with current female leaders from diverse backgrounds and occupations. In this conversation, you will hear about the challenges and opportunities that exist when having a seat at the table. 

Noon - 1 p.m.  
The Almost Lost Gay History of Springfield, Massachusetts  
Presented by Anne Wheeler, James Uyar  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

Last spring, Anne Wheeler and James Uyar partnered with a community member in order to start collecting oral histories from members of the LGBTQ+ community who lived and socialized in or around Springfield in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Through this work, they have begun to unearth a rich history of gay and lesbian bars that existed within the city. They will frame this presentation with a discussion of the importance of bars in queer culture and then delve into Springfield's rich LGBTQ+ history. By telling the stories Wheeler and Uyar have heard—ranging from love stories, bar fights, heartbreak, and liberation—they shed light on our city's history and queer spaces more broadly. 

1:30 - 3 p.m.   
What's On the Menu?  
Presented by Jade Brown, Erin Placey, Brian Krylowicz  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

At Springfield College, 27% of students are considered first-generation college students. From mental health concerns, to financial concerns, to imposter syndrome, there are many challenges that first-generation and/or low-income college students face. Using documentary clips and first-person accounts, students will engage in a facilitated discussion about the experiences of first-generation and low-income college students as well as learn about resources and just connection with others. Students who are first-gen and/or low-income students are encouraged to come to this session and connect with others on a similar journey. You are important and your experience matters. Presenters hope you will join them for this conversation. For those who are not first gen, please consider attending to learn about challenges that might be impacting your friends (and maybe some issues that might be impacting you, too). Presenters want you to walk away feeling included and important.

3:30 - 4:30 p.m.   
Settler Colonialism, Native American (Tribal) Nation Sovereignty, and “Settler Moves to Innocence” in Contemporary U.S. Society  
Presented by Laurel Davis-Delano  
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In this session, Laurel Davis-Delano will explain Native American (tribal) nation sovereignty, and how this sovereignty creates substantial differences between Native Americans and non-Native people of color. Next, she will explain differences between classic colonialism and settler colonialism. The United States is a settler colonial society. Davis-Delano will describe how settler colonial societies strive to eliminate, replace, and erase Indigenous peoples, including in the present time period. Then, she will cover "settler moves to innocence," which is when non-Indigenous people relieve their guilt over settler colonialism without addressing the harms of settler colonialism. She will provide examples of "settler moves to innocence," and then ask attendees to describe examples they have witnessed. If time allows, Davis-Delano will cover controversies associated with Native American identity.

5:30 - 6:30 p.m.  
A Showing of Brandy's Cinderella (1997) and the Significance of Developing a Positive Racial Identity  
Presented by Rachel Caffey  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

Rachel Caffey will host a discussion and movie showing of Cinderella as a demonstration of the cultural significance of this movie and the nostalgic influence on students' own racial identities.

Thursday, November 9

9 - 10 a.m.   
Fostering Inclusion and Equity for Latina/o Children and Their Families Well-being   
Presented by Miguel Arce  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

The session will describe activities that are being undertaken to improve the well-being of children and families who are impoverished and live in segregated communities.

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.  
Lessons from Teaching Social Justice-based Curriculum in Health Promotion College Courses  
Presented by Olya Clark  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

This presentation is designed to provide specific examples on how social justice and health equity principles can be integrated into a range of health courses in higher education. Participants will become familiar with the methods used to teach a health curriculum based on social justice and equity principles in both undergraduate and graduate courses. Social justice is scaffolded as a common theme across the curriculum and the relationships among social justice history, past and current social justice movements, and health equity are regularly discussed. The importance of focusing on the origins of (public) health events and issues and how the historical conditions in society at the time influenced and shaped the development of these issues will be reviewed. Examples of how to embed social justice and health equity into all components of a course will be presented. Finally, Olya Clark will describe barriers and obstacles faced when creating social justice themes. Participants will leave the session with a concrete set of examples that will assist them in integrating social justice and equity issues into their own courses.

Noon - 1 p.m.  
Protect (What) and Serve (Whom): A Discussion on Policing in America  
Presented by Gregory J. Coogan  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

A discussion on how the American police state has been historically and contemporarily used to protect capital, criminalize communities of color, oppress the poor and working class, and uphold a classist and racist system of mass incarceration. Participants will further consider and discuss alternative solutions to the problem of modern policing in America.

1 - 3 p.m.  
We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know and Lead Where We Won’t Go: The Importance of Understanding Identity and Antiracist Leadership
Presented by Nicole Graves, Allison Cumming-McCann, Alie Baranauskas, Devon Lyon, Ryan Welch, Hayden Utley  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

Presenters plan to challenge how we think about how identities impact the worlds we live and work in. The mission of Springfield College is to educate the whole person in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to others. Without awareness of identity and the implications of intersectionality we, as members of Springfield College and the Springfield community, cannot be effective leaders. You can only be a leader if you know your true identity and how that informs your thought process and ways in which you move in the world. Being self-informed will progress relationships with those we work with in professional and social settings, leading all involved to become well educated and informed leaders. Presenters plan to create an evidence-based framework to assist individuals in understanding their identities and provide a space for open discussions on how we can further grow self-understanding. By exploring identities such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, age, religion, and disabilities and abilities, we can kickstart a deeper understanding of Humanics. Led by a panel of diverse graduate students, alumni, and student advisors, this session will provide insight into how we can further our identity development to be stronger leaders in our communities. By providing space for self-exploration, we will utilize our time at SEAT by starting off our sessions with the following question: “What are three of your identities you feel are most prominent in your life?” Attendees will then participate in an exercise to further explore their identities. And presenters will facilitate discussions surrounding the identity attendees unpacked, as well as the relationship of identity and leadership. As Malcolm X said, "We can't teach what we don't know, and we can't lead where we can't go." 

7:30 p.m.  
Literary Reading by Matthew E. Henry (part of the William Simpson Fine Arts Series)  
Presented by Matthew E. Henry (MEH)  
Location: Harold C. Smith Presentation Room, Stitzer Welcome Center at Judd Gymnasia

Matthew E. Henry (MEH), PhD, is the Boston-born author of the full-length collections the Colored page (Sundress Publication, 2022), The Third Renunciation (New York Quarterly Books, 2023), the chapbooks Teaching While Black (Main Street Rag, 2020), Dust & Ashes (Californios Press, 2020), and the micro-chapbook have you heard the one about...? (Ghost City Press, 2023). He also has a collection forthcoming from Harbor Editions (said the Frog to the scorpion). MEH is editor-in-chief of The Weight Journal and an associate poetry editor at Pidgeonholes. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and in 2020, he was a finalist for the Massachusetts Book Awards. He was recently named the 2023 winner of the Solstice Literary Magazine Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize.

Friday, November 10

9 - 10 a.m.  
Built on the Backs of Adjuncts: Colleges and the Abuse of Contingent Faculty  
Presented by Mike Spry  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

In the late 1990s, colleges in the United States began utilizing the practice of adjunct professors, where classes were taught by sessional lecturers for a fraction of the pay of full-time professors. In the decades since, adjunctification has become endemic across the college community, with upwards of 75% of classes at most institutions being taught by professors with no job security, no health benefits, no agency, and little dignity. During this same period, administration budgets and salaries have increased exponentially. At a school like Springfield College, adjuncts make as little as one-fifth or less than that of their full-time colleagues, with nearly the same occupational demands and hazards. The result is an unmistakable class divide, of course, but adjunct faculty also tend to be more diverse in terms of race, sexuality, gender, age, and from a wider variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. Adjunctification perpetuates socioeconomic inequity that already plagues campuses and stands as a foundation of hypocrisy for institutions that promise students a career and life that they deprive their own employees.

10:30-11:30 a.m.  
Eliminating Implicit Biases Within Health Care   
Presented by Elizabeth Casinelli, Brooke Hooper, Callie Dubos, Morgan Jones, Nicole Beaumont, Emma Garneau  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

The presenters want to educate others about implicit biases within health care professions and tips to help eliminate these actions with making effective/respectful clinical decision choices. They will bring awareness to certain ways to go about discussing information with families when regarding individuals’ religions, focusing on eliminating biases when working with culturally diverse populations, and becoming aware of ourselves within a clinical setting, being professional through ethics, and sensibility towards others.

Noon - 1 p.m.  
Navigating the Latino Assumption  
Presented by Ariel Rodríguez  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union  

The purpose of this presentation is to review the Latino assumption, a research note which Ariel Rodríguez had published in 2013. It has been 10 years, and he continues to see this assumption perpetuated throughout our media, politicians, and government at all levels. The Latino assumption describes the presumption that individuals residing in the United States and its commonwealths who have descended from Latin American countries and Spain constitute a homogeneous, panethnic social identity. The Latino assumption is a form of false universalism that threatens the validity of research seeking to better understand this population. In particular, it may result in at least three threats to validity: selection threats to internal validity, heterogeneity of unit threats to statistical conclusion validity, and interaction of the causal relationship with unit threats to external validity. In addition to research implications, false universalism often leads to the treatment of persons in a stereotypical manner regarding their preferences, values, and beliefs. When minority group members do not meet these stereotypical expectations, feelings of exclusion, inequalities, and oppression may result.

2 - 3 p.m.  
Have You Seen How Much Textbooks Cost? Making the Case for Open Education: Resources as a Tool for Equity, Affordability, And Access  
Presented by Gemma Bartha, Joan Giovannini, Sherri VandenAkker,  
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According to the American Association of Colleges and Universities, the cost of college textbooks has increased by 162% from January 2000 to June 2022. That’s faster than the average inflation rate of 74.4% over that same time period! In this panel discussion, presenters will define Open Education Resources and how it can transform course materials and increase equitable access to content.  

3:30 - 4:30 p.m.  
Understanding & Navigating Healthy LGBTQIA+ Relationships: A One Love Workshop for Young Adults  
Presented by Erin Leeper, Nate Fontaine  
Location: Cleveland E. and Phyllis B. Dodge Room (A&B), Flynn Campus Union

LGBTQIA+ relationships often function similarly to straight/cisgender relationships. However, there are some unique experiences that must be discussed to prevent relationship violence. In this workshop, facilitators and participants will engage with material about the challenges and situations LGBTQIA+ people may face in the context of healthy and unhealthy relationships. This workshop is intended for participants who are middle school age and up. This workshop is meant to be centered around LGBTQIA+ voices, but allies are welcome and encouraged to participate. The overarching purpose of this workshop is for participants to learn skills to foster healthy LGBTQIA+ relationships.