Maureen Barrett, DPT, assistant professor of Physical Therapy and associate director of Clinical Education along with her colleagues, presented "An Interprofessional Experience to Promote Clinical Decision Making through a Progressive Experiential Design” at the American Physical Therapy of Massachusetts Annual Conference in Norwood, Mass., in November 2023. Barrett’s collaborators include: Kimberly Nowakowski, DPT, professor of Physical Therapy and director of Clinical Education; Jean A. McCaffery, EdD, associate professor of Occupational Therapy and academic fieldwork coordinator; Carey Leckie, OTD, associate professor of Occupational Therapy and associate academic fieldwork coordinator; and Maggie Daingerfield, DPT, neurologic clinical specialist and residency director at Live Every Day, and adjunct professor of Physical Therapy.
Olya Clark, PhD, assistant professor of Health Promotion, presented “Benefits of integration of social justice-based history into health education and health promotion curricula” at the American School Health Association Conference at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minn., in June 2023.
Laurel R. Davis-Delano, PhD, professor of Sociology, presented “White American historical memory and support for Native appropriation” at the American Sociological Association Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pa., in August 2023. Her co-authors were Renee V. Galliher of Utah State University, Adrienne J. Keene of Brown University, Desi Small-Rodriguez of the University of California at Los Angeles, and Joseph P. Gone of Harvard University and Harvard Medical School.
Nina Esaki, PhD, associate professor Social Work, co-presented “Organizational Barriers to Change” at the Sanctuary Network Days Conference in White Plains, N.Y., in April 2023. At the same conference, Esaki co-presented “Becoming A Learning-Agile Leader.”
Adam Feit, PhD, assistant professor of Exercise Science, presented "Think. Feel. Do: How to unlock client and coach success" at the Perform Better Functional Training Summit in Providence, R.I., in August 2023. At the same conference, Mary Kate Feit, PhD, assistant professor of Strength and Conditioning, also presented "Progressions, Regressions, and Manipulations: How to maximize your client's ability to exercise with proper technique." Mary-Kate Feit and Adam Feit also co-presented “Career Roundtable Discussion: What the heck is work-life balance? Being present as both a parent and a coach” at the National Strength and Conditioning Coaches National Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, in July 2023. And Mary Kate Feit co-presented “From start to finish: Educating, organizing, and supporting your team in the world of sports science” at the UMass Sports Performance Symposium in May 2023. Her co-presenter was Vail Cote, G’23.
Sally M. Hage, PhD, professor of Counseling Psychology, co-presented “Promising interventions that promote healing and recovery of culturally diverse college students” at the American Psychological Association Conference in Washington, D.C., in August 2023. Her co-presenter was Nicole Walden, MS, a doctoral student in Counseling Psychology (expected year of graduation 2025). At the same conference, Hage also co-presented “Publishing in the Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion: Dialogue with editorial board leaders.” Her co-presenter was Maureen Kenny, PhD, at Boston College.
Brooke Hallowell, PhD, CCC-SLP, dean of the School of Health Sciences, was invited and gave the following presentations in 2023: “Global capacity building to support life participation for people with aphasia” at the Master Class: Knowledge Exchange Speaker Series, Aphasia Institute of Toronto (October); Keynote address: “Life participation approaches to aphasia and related disorders” at the Annual Convention of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association, New Delhi, India, and the workshop “Career development strategies for current and future aphasiologists” (February); Keynote address: “Bright horizons: Aphasia recovery, life participation, and a promising future in Viet Nam” at the Conference in Recognition of the First Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center in Viet Nam, An Binh Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; and at the National Workshop Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, she presented “Life participation approaches for adults with neurogenic communication challenges” and “Clinical problem solving and diagnostic challenges in aphasia rehabilitation” (January). Also, Hallowell co-presented “Variability in sentence comprehension performance in aphasia: Insights from pupillometry” at the Academy of Aphasia, in Reading, U.K., in October.
Christine T. Johnston, MPH, director of Health Promotion, co-presented “Stuck in the Middle (Management): Overcoming the challenges of being both a manager and a practitioner” at the New England College Health Association/New York State College Health Association Annual Meeting in Albany, N.Y., in October 2023. At the same conference, Johnston and Lauren Gray, LICSW, assistant director of Outreach & Prevention at the Counseling Center, co-presented “Building mental health capacity on campus using peer-to-peer mental health training,” which highlighted Springfield College's Pride Cares peer-to-peer mental health program.
M Joyce-Anderson, MSW, LICSW, adjunct instructor in the School of Social Work and Behavioral Sciences, presented “Navigating Gender Affirming Mental Health Care” at the Harvard Trans+ Community Celebration at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., in October 2023.
Emily Lyons, PhD, assistant professor of Education, presented “Supporting elementary educators' confidence in their capacity to teach young children science” at the American Education Research Association Conference in Chicago, Ill., in April 2023.
Matt Mills, MA, LAT, ATC, CHSE, assistant professor of Athletic Training, presented “When nonspecific low back pain goes sideways: Fibromyalgia in the college student athlete” at the National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium in Indianapolis, Ind., in June 2023.
Susan Milstein, PhD, assistant professor of Health Education, presented “Sexual health updates 2023” at the Health and Wellness Professional Development, Department of Youth Services Initiative, in Norwood, Mass., in October 2023.
Kimberly Nowakowski, PT, DPT, MS, professor and director of clinical education in the Department of Physical Therapy, and Regina Kaufman, PT, EdD, MS, professor of Physical Therapy, co-presented “Student evidence-based program leadership: Year 1 implementation and lessons learned” at the National Council on Aging Age + Action Conference in Alexandria, Va., in June 2023. At the same conference, Nowakowski and Kaufman also co-presented “Senior center fall prevention delivery partners: An innovative sustainable framework.” Their co-presenter was Dawna Pigeon, PT, fall prevention program lead at the Geriatric Center of Excellence at Dartmouth Health.
Andrew B. Perry, PhD, professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, presented “The extraordinary legacy of Stefan Banach” at the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics Conference in Toronto, Canada, in May 2023.
Kingsley Schroeder, PhD, assistant professor of Psychology, co-presented “The last Pink straw: Decisions about masculinity and femininity in children’s toys and gender expression” at the Society for the Study of Human Development Biennial Conference in Philadelphia, Penn., in October 2023. Her co-presenter was Psychology major Hunter Bernard, Class of 2024.
Mike Spry, MA, instructor of college and creative writing, presented “Your professor is not your audience: Building campus communities and engaged writing for first-year college writing student” at the Conference on Community Writing in Denver, Colo., in October 2023. Spry also presented “Stop calling me doctor: Building community by removing formality from the classroom” at the University of Connecticut’s Conference on the Teaching of Writing, in Storrs, Conn., in April 2023.
Joseph Wronka, PhD, professor of Social Work, presented at a panel discussion, titled “Creating a human rights culture,” and also at a poster session on “An educated layperson's approach comparing the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights with United States federal and state constitutions and the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan” in Denver, Colo, in October 2023.

Nina Esaki

Sally M. Hage

Brooke Hallowell (center front) is shown with a group of neurologists with whom she collaborated on clinical consults and research at Binh Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

Emily Lyons

Kimberly Nowakowski

Mike Spry