Michael Accordino, EdD, Clinical Mental Health Counseling program director, and Lindsey Fullmer, PhD, assistant professor of Rehabilitation Counseling, co-authored Corrections and Disability, which focuses on bringing more awareness to incarcerated individuals who are diagnosed with a disability, and are in need of increased assistance.
Laurel R. Davis-Delano, PhD, professor of Sociology, and Elizabeth M. Morgan, PhD, associate vice president for Academic Affairs and associate professor of Psychology, co-authored “An exploration of positive stereotypes: Legitimating the system and naïve challenges to it” in Sociological Inquiry in 2023. Their co-authors were David M. Merolla of Wayne State University, Drexler James of the University of Minnesota, and Tuyet Mai Ha Hoang of the University of Illinois.
Laurel R. Davis-Delano, PhD, professor of Sociology, co-authored “The same old story: Cultivation of the warrior stereotype of American Indians” in the International Journal of Communication in 2023. Her co-authors were Renee V. Galliher of Utah State University and Joseph P. Gone of Harvard University and Harvard Medical School. Davis-Delano also co-authored “Native voices on Native appropriation” in Ethnic and Racial Studies in 2023. Her co-authors were Adrienne Keene of Brown University and Desi Small-Rodriguez of the University of California at Los Angeles.
Katherine Dugan, PhD, associate professor of Religious Studies, authored “Rejecting the pill: Catholic women reinterpreting feminism” in The Revealer in October 2023.
Nina Esaki, PhD, associate professor Social Work, and Melanie E. Taub, MSW, a clinical social worker in the Springfield College Counseling Center and Advance Psychotherapy Practice, co-authored “Learning to be a leader worth following” in Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance in June 2023.
Melinda Fowler, PhD, associate professor of Biology, co-authored “Oxidative physiology of two small and highly migratory Arctic seabirds: Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea) and long-tailed jaegers (Stercorarius longicaudus)” in Conservation Physiology in August 2023. Fowler also co-authored “The Role of Food Quantity and Prey Type in Nestling Development of American Kestrels” in the Journal of Raptor Research in June 2023.
Michael Gale, PhD, assistant professor of Psychology, co-authored “There are no sidelines: A reaction to Legha's ‘Getting off the racist sidelines: An antiracist approach to mental health supervision and training’” in The Clinical Supervisor in August 2023.
Joan Giovannini, MEd, associate director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship, authored an Open Education Resource text, titled Children, Families, Schools, and Communities, in May 2023. Giovannini was a 2022 grantee to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education's Remixing Open Textbooks Through an Equity Lens (ROTEL) project. Children, Families, Schools, and Communities is one of the publications that six Massachusetts colleges and universities, along with the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, will use to test the hypothesis that underrepresented students will achieve higher academic outcomes if free, culturally relevant textbooks are available to them.
Brooke Hallowell, PhD, CCC-SLP, dean of the School of Health Sciences, authored the chapter “Strategically promoting access to our services” in the book Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, edited by Melanie W. Hudson & Mark. DeRuiter.
Regina Kaufman, EdD, professor of Physical Therapy, authored “Resonance” in The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation in fall 2023.
Hyun Uk Kim, PhD, assistant professor of Education, co-authored “Pedagogical strategies to inspire teachers to teach all: How to change teachers’ perceptions about students from being a problem to having a problem” in Equity in Education & Society in October 2023.
Kathleen T. Mellano, PhD, assistant professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology, co-authored “The influence of social support provider on adolescent athlete burnout and engagement” in the Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology in September 2023. Mellano also authored “Thinking out-to-in: Psychological considerations for optimal sport and exercise performance” in ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal in September 2023.
Elizabeth O’Neill, DPE, professor of Exercise Science and Applied Exercise Science program director, authored “Exploring aspects of exercise prescription” in the ACSM Health & Fitness Journal in September/October 2023. O’Neill also co-authored “Systemic lupus, metabolic syndrome, cardiac disease, and peripheral artery disease” in the Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology in May 2023. Her co-author was Annemarie VanLangen, MS, graduate assistant in Exercise Physiology.
Kingsley Schroeder, PhD, assistant professor of Psychology, co-authored “How the COVID-19 global pandemic further jeopardized women’s health, mental well-being, and safety: Intersectionality framework and social policy action” in the Journal of Social Issues in June 2023.
Paul Thifault, PhD, associate professor of English, co-edited a double-issue of the archival journal Resources for American Literary Study that included newly discovered fiction by Louisa May Alcott and was published in August 2023. His editorial assistant was English major Remy Niland, Class of 2024.
Anne C. Wheeler, PhD, MFA, associate professor of Composition & Rhetoric and chair of the Department of Literature, Writing, and Journalism, authored "The Virility of Memory" in the Solstice Literary Journal in August 2023.
Joseph Wronka, PhD, professor of Social Work, authored the book Human Rights and Social Justice: Social Action and Service for the Helping and Health Professions, which includes an instruction manual, in January 2023.

Michael Accordino

Michael Gale

Joan Giovannini

Regina Kaufman

Hyun Uk Kim

Kingsley Schroeder

Paul Thifault