School of Arts and Sciences

Thank you for your interest in the Springfield College School of Arts and Sciences.
Our school is dedicated to teaching and learning across a wide range of the traditional liberal arts disciplines. Our departments offer a choice of both majors and minors for concentrated study, with 59 undergraduate majors and concentrations, and 8 graduate degrees.
A Message from the Dean
The School of Arts and Sciences features the most diverse array of disciplines and programs at Springfield College, from the natural and physical sciences, to English, humanities and social sciences, to visual and performing arts, to business, education, and criminal justice. We have notable interdisciplinary majors like communication and sport journalism, multimedia design, computer science/criminal justice, and environmental science. We also offer exciting innovative minors like public history and museum studies, social justice, sports analytics, and animation. Our in-person and online graduate programs include an MBA program, a master’s in art therapy, and a master’s in education and teacher licensure. Our commitment to teaching our core curriculum classes means that every single undergraduate student will take at least one course – and probably more -- in the School of Arts and Sciences during their years at Springfield College. Our faculty are dedicated and creative educator-scholars who will mentor, challenge, and inspire you!
The Springfield College mission is needed now more than ever: the urgency of our moment demands that we educate students as resilient and creative servant-leaders in navigating the considerable intellectual, ethical, and physical challenges of today and tomorrow. In the School of Arts and Sciences, our philosophy of developing the whole student in spirit, mind, and body for leadership in service to others is infused into every class and program. We offer opportunities to students to engage in original research and creative projects with faculty in their disciplines, to study abroad, and to pursue fieldwork and internships. When you take courses across the arts and sciences at Springfield College, you will hone skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, clear communication, resilience, cultural competence, adaptability, creativity, and empathy. After all, when you graduate, you may be working in professions that don’t exist right now; indeed, you may invent them.
Explore our offerings, meet our faculty, and above all, don’t be afraid to try something new. Let us know if we can assist you with any questions you may have about the School of Arts and Sciences at Springfield College. We are excited to meet you!
Rachel Rubinstein, PhD
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences